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A link to every page on this site is listed below, together with a brief summary of the contents contained on each page.
Most pages include a mix of interactive exercises and information which leads to further pages containing additional exercises. These pages are part of an online interactive learning sequence.
A brown and yellow link button at the bottom of a page indicates that further "process" steps and exercises follow that are associated with what has just been learned.
Blue link buttons indicate that a page with additional "information" follows that will help viewers to better understand what they are learning. Page titles below that are followed by an asterisk (*) indicate information pages.
Clicking on the title links below will take you directly to that page.
Home Page
The biospiritual.org website opens by describing a journey which each person can make inside themselves. "A whole new world lies sleeping inside your body's knowing." There are hidden stories in ourselves and our children. The page closes with a short interactive exercise around questions that each viewer may ask privately and quietly inside themselves.
Why This Website? (*)
This page describes what the body knows, why it is important, and what the implications are for personal development and human evolution. It's about the mystery of how human consciousness includes far more than what we are aware of and can think in our minds.
The 4 Phases of Web Construction (*)
The biospiritual website is being developed in 4 phases. Phase 1 teaches you how to develop the habit of noticing and nurturing important feelings. This phase is now complete on the site. Phase 2 will contain resources and further information for parents and children learning this habit. Phase 3 will develop the innate spirituality of the process of noticing and nurturing important feelilngs without direct reference to any particular spiritual or religious tradition. Phase 4 will describe how the basic process may be integrated into the Judaeo-Christian spiritual tradition.
Why Pay Attention to Feelings? (*)
This page summarizes seven important learnings about body knowing.
How to Use This Website
The page describes how this website functions as an interactive learning resource. It suggests ways in which viewers may learn from the site either alone or by working together as pairs or in groups. It suggests some helpful "living" homework., and finally discusses a whole new way of relating to yourself.
Noticing Important Feelings
How can we tell which feelings are important and asking us to notice and nurture them? This page begins to explore the pathway inward, suggesting ways for beginners to start noticing how their bodies are actually talking to them all the time.
Three Short Exercises
Easy exercises to begin noticing some of your important feelings.
Something "More"
This page begins to discuss the importance of what Eugene Gendlin calls, "Felt Sensing." Using stories and examples, the viewer is shown how felt senses are like living "links" etched within the human body. There is a description of how the body has a capacity to sense "the whole" of some experience, and not just analyze it into individual parts. Simple exercises are included to help the viewer gain some sense for this experience. Finally, the importance of learning how to do a simple "Check-In" exercise is described.
A "Check-In"
The viewer is led through a simple "Check-In" exercise and encouraged to use this as a daily pracitce.
The "Check-In Cards"
This page describes how to download and print various cards or regular text pages that may serve as guides for doing one's own check-in, companioning another person as they do their check-in, or for helping someone to be gentle and caring with spontaneous difficult feelings that may arise. Cards and texts for companioning children and teens are also available on this page. Suggestions for how and when to use these various cards are included, as well as beginning to discuss the importance of bringing "a caring presence" to one's own feelings--and encouraging others to do the same.
Caring Presence
This is a key page for learning how to be with difficult feelings inside yourself. It's about changing old habits and learning new ones. An exercise is included that helps you begin to explore the current relationship you have with yourself.
"Process-Skipping" is about all the clever ways we develop in order to remain out of touch with our difficult feelings. An exercise is provided to help the viewer recognize and uncover some of his or her own process-skipping ways. A process-skipping experience is described in detail, and the page ends with five questions that can help a person evaluate the psychological health of various spiritual and growth practices where process-skipping can easily slip in.
Your Affection Teacher
This page describes a marvelous inner resource, a teacher that we all carry inside our own bodies. The experience of "affection" is a great teacher because it speaks the language of your-body-in-connection. Interactive exercises are included to help viewers get in touch with, and then learn from their inner affection teachers. Our own bodies are the best teachers of how to be caring and open with difficult feelings.
Caring for Enemies You Create Inside Yourself
This page contains a series of exercises for beginning to be caring with your difficult feelings.
Turning Old Perceptions Upside-Down (*)
This is a companion page to "Caring for Enemies..." just above. It is an explanation about where to direct your attention when first trying to be with difficult feelings inside yourself. It contains helpful information about learning a new perspective, together with concrete, practical steps which can lead in this direction.
About Us (*)
This page includes a rather complete summary of our origins, early experiences, and the influential people who helped shape the development of the Institute for BioSpiritual Research. The goals of the Institute today are described--including the need for spiritual practices that can support a democratic way of life, practical ways to nurture peace-filled children, and suggestions for nurturing healthy spiritualities. The page is somewhat long, and requires a little more time to download onto your computer.
Copyright & Disclaimer
Photo Credits
Site Map
This page connects you to our books, and video series as tools for understanding and further incorporating the concepts of Focusing, felt sensing, and noticing and nuturing important feelings.
What's New?(*)
A quick way to find out what has been added since you last visited the site.
As further phases of the website are developed, we will add their pages to those already listed above.
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