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1. Contact Information
2. What is the Institute for BioSpiritual Research?
3. Membership Information
1. Contact Information
Central Office
Institute for BioSpiritual Research
P.O. Box 741137
Arvada, CO 80006-1137
Fax: 303-427-5311
Office Coordinator: Loretta Flom
email: |
2. What is the Institute for BioSpiritual Research?
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The Institute is an international network of several thousand people--parents, counselors, health care providers, hospice volunteers, clergy and sisters, teachers, therapists, retreat house staffs and spiritual guides--in fact, anyone dedicated to peace-making through human wholeness. We believe this involves taking the actual body-steps that invite the gift dimension of life (grace) to unfold within ourselves and in our relationships with others.
Through developing the habit of noticing and nurturing our important feelings, we take time to open our body’s awareness (not just our mental processes), so that we may experience a body-sense for the giftedness of life and the deep inner connection of all things. This is what we mean by a body or BIO-Spirituality.
Through this website, publications, and videotapes, we share very practical, teachable skills and attitudes that help us live a peace-making process in our daily lives. We look forward to hearing from you and invite you to join us.
3. Membership Information
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Members of the Institute for BioSpiritual Research are the principal support of on-going research efforts, outreach, and the creation of new resources developed by this organization. Without their continuing interest and enduring financial sponsorship, such development would never have happened.
The creation of this website, as well as any further development of resources to be added here in the future, may be traced directly to member encouragement, interest, and on-going support. If you are in any way helped by what you learn here on this site, either for yourself personally, for family and friends, or in the work that you do, we encourage you to consider making a donation or becoming a member of this Institute.
We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that has been incorporated in the State of Wisconsin since 1980. Annual membership donation is $25.00 and contributes to the development and maintenance of this website as well as helping to establish a world-wide network among our members through a central office in the Denver area.
A smaller core group of pledge members donate fixed amounts on a regular basis in support of the Institute and its work. If you are interested in our pledge program, please drop us an email at: info@biospiritual.org
For those interested in signing up for a supporting membership, the link below will take you to a page with our membership application form. Print the page, fill it in, include your membership check, and mail to:
Institute for BioSpiritual Research
P.O. Box 741137
Arvada, CO 80006-1137 USA
(We have not yet set up credit card capability on this site,
but are planning it for the future.)
Once again, we thank you for your interest
and look forward to hearing from you.
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